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Indeed I do. I feel like I have accomplished something significant, and it’s a feeling I had never experienced before. As I reflect on my life, I can confidently say that the last year was the one I cherished the most.

Why should we like our likes?
Well, who else should?

Were there problems?

Yes, there were. Can you imagine a day without any challenges? But amidst all those trivial issues, one thing stood out – my unwavering passion for the role I pursued. I have finally come to understand the dignity of being myself. I used to advise others to follow their hearts and passions, yet I often neglected my own advice. I always had this belief that the grass was greener on the other side, and I relentlessly pursued something I did not truly desire. As a result, I was never satisfied. However, last year became the turning point of realization. After much confusion and introspection, I embraced a career in a combination of tech, management and leadership.

Ironically, I used to detest the idea of a management job and idolized a development job. This mindset was deeply rooted in me from childhood when I was conditioned to believe that science was superior and that a successful life required a scientific career and immense wealth. For a long time, I allowed these misguided thoughts to overpower my genuine interests and comfort. While I knew I despised being bossed around, I came to realize that bad bosses did not define the entire work environment. It was a revelation that allowed me to take responsibility for my decisions and choices.


Now, I present the new and improved version of myself, moulded by my own choices and enriched with the satisfaction of achieving something meaningful and developing valuable skills. I find myself fond of the new me, embracing who I truly am, and I am optimistic that this version of me will shape my future for the better. I have broken free from the chains of seeking fame, money, or the approval of others. Instead, I have discovered that I can pursue my dreams and find happiness within myself, anywhere and at any time.

Yes, I feel happy. Truly, I do. What about you?

Zero Hour

Zero Hour is a dream come true-project evolved out of the observations and explorations of a young lady. Although young and not experienced enough, she has values that shape her views on worldly affairs.


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