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It has been a few years after the famous Puttaswamy judgement, and Indians are still uncertain about their own freedoms – especially Social Media Freedom. How long will this uncertainty prevail? No one can predict the answer, because the acts of the government themselves are boosters of organized data thefts and they appreciate the manipulation of the citizens’ privacy. The justification for the same is nothing but national security and interest.  The Neo government policies regarding data such as the concepts of ‘data are the new oil’, and data is public good’ catalyzes the state-sponsored encroachments. It was the Srikrishna commission, which suggested a rampant regulation of citizens’ personal data, and envisaged the government to make use of it in the national interest. The term ‘national interest’ has later got defined as the interest of a particular group.  Nevertheless, a newly published economic survey also masked the worst effects of least protected personal data by quoting the national interest.

 Srikrishna commission, which suggested a rampant regulation over citizens’ personal data, and envisaged the government to make use of it in the national interest.

While Puttaswamy judgement put a stay over the unnecessary surveillance of personal data and asked the state to make a statute over the same, it also enlisted the circumstances when a state can deny it’s citizens from having the right to privacy. On a legitimate legal need, governments can make rules over an inherent natural right to privacy, provided possible alternatives are envisaged. The right to privacy comes under articles 21, 14 and 19 of the constitution of India.

The Current Scenario

Upcoming regulations over social media and ongoing data thefts are least appreciable, especially when it comes from the government of a socialist, democratic republic. Fake news spread is an ethical issue rather than a technical or administrative drawback.  The check should begin from the grassroots, ie. individual. Until then, no rule or technology would be able to completely prevent fake news. Moreover, even before the arrival of social media platforms, fake news spread was a problem in India. This fact further reduces the chances of having the fake news spread curbed by means of technological change or law.   Being social animals, men found it difficult to stay isolated from the outer world. Although some of us are supporting the move of the government in Kashmir, it will not be very easy to withstand when the same situation arrives in our part of the country. Imagine a boss who always dictates do’s and don’ts for you, and punishes you hard for the failure of the same. He will even intrude and examine your most personal matters on a regular basis. You will be sick and tired of him, won’t you? This would be the actual picture of India if such laws come into action.  We need no more laws, but better administration and awareness. Let the lessons of good behaviour spread from the top. A revolution must come from the masses and not from the aristocracy. If a democratic government fails to fetch the interests of the people then what makes it different from British rule?

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Zero Hour

Zero Hour is a dream come true-project evolved out of the observations and explorations of a young lady. Although young and not experienced enough, she has values that shape her views on worldly affairs.

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